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Thursday, 8 December 2011

Green Eve Turns One


Really cannot believe how fast time flew by; it's been a year since our very first post! Our adventure with Green Eve has been amazing, and the opportunities presented to us because of the blog have been overwhelming. Thank you to everyone who supported us from the start, and to those who continue to believe in us and pushing us to endless limits; you know who you are. And of course, our beautiful readers. Thank you to anyone who has ever read a post on G.E., to those who visit every once in a while and most importantly the loyal ones who keep up with all our posts and features: THANK YOU

We're still young and technically new to the scene, but as long as we make even the slightest of difference and encourage individuals to look at life with a more conscious and responsible view, we're happy!

Here's hoping for many more birthdays to come!


Green Eve xx


Charlie Hilton said...


Green Eve said...

Thank you Charlie! You're definitely one of our biggest supporters; we appreciate it! x

Anonymous said...

how old are you (cat sound) how old are you (cat sound)
hbd green eve.
u dnt suck

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