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Friday 30 December 2011

Photo Diary: The Jordanian Bedouin Lady

December has been a crazy month! First half of it, I was swarmed with deadlines, and these past couple of weeks I've been home spending time with the family, which explains why I have been MIA for a while now. But, I'm happy to say I'm back now! Back to blogging, and back to the addiction that is the internet.

Now, back to the purpose of this post, today I went to the Northern Badia in Jordan, to Al Mafraq my hometown, to visit and check up on some families there. Most GE readers probably remember my past visits to Mafraq from the very first Photo Diary posts. Today's Photo Diary, however, is dedicated to the Jordanian Bedouin lady. Every time I go to the Northern Badia, I get inspired by the beautiful, strong ladies that stand tall and proud of their heritage and never stop working hard while raising future generations and caring for their families. These ladies embody true beauty and a genuine heart. I love that whenever I asked if I can photograph them, they smiled enthusiastically and happily gazed at the camera lens with captivating eyes. Despite all the hardships that she has encountered in her life and continues to face every day, the Bedouin lady never stops smiling and never stops spreading the love with her warm hugs and welcomed kisses. That, to me, is not only inspiring, but it is also beauty and grace at its best. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves now:


May it be a blessed year filled with happiness for you and your family.




Wednesday 14 December 2011

Eco-Bag of the Day: The 'I Love MCR' Tote

This has got to be one of my favourite eco-bags! It's part of the 'I love MCR' campaign that launched after the horrible riots that took place in the city this past August, with sales of the official campaign merchandise supporting Forever Manchester and Reclaim.

I got mine from the official kiosk in Halle Sqaure in Arndale, but you can also get it online here.

Anoud xx 

Friday 9 December 2011

Change The Way You Think About Food

The world population hit 7 billion a little over a month ago, and by 2050, Earth will be home to another 2 billion individuals. Now, have you ever thought of how we will provide for the continually increasing population with finite resources?

Securing food, a basic need of all human beings, is one of the biggest challenges facing our world. With more and more people depending on our resources, the only way to confront such a challenge is to act immediately and change the way we think of food production. Watch the video below, which is part of the WWF 'Change the Way You Think About Everything' awareness videos, to learn about how much of our resources are used to produce and provide food, and to think about how we can do MORE with LESS. 

We need to double the productivity of farming, invest in urban agriculture and encourage more sustainable ways of food production. We need to change the way we think about food! Learn about sustainable farming here.

P.S. Watch 'Change the Way You Think about your Laptop' here.

Anoud x

Thursday 8 December 2011

Green Eve Turns One


Really cannot believe how fast time flew by; it's been a year since our very first post! Our adventure with Green Eve has been amazing, and the opportunities presented to us because of the blog have been overwhelming. Thank you to everyone who supported us from the start, and to those who continue to believe in us and pushing us to endless limits; you know who you are. And of course, our beautiful readers. Thank you to anyone who has ever read a post on G.E., to those who visit every once in a while and most importantly the loyal ones who keep up with all our posts and features: THANK YOU

We're still young and technically new to the scene, but as long as we make even the slightest of difference and encourage individuals to look at life with a more conscious and responsible view, we're happy!

Here's hoping for many more birthdays to come!


Green Eve xx

Think Up: The Bloggers of Green Eve

We were recently contacted by Think Up, a website dedicated to highlighting and exposing young talent from the Middle East and particularly the GCC region, as they wanted to interview us for a feature on Green Eve! Of course we were delighted for the opportunity, and really appreciated the recognition, especially from a great initiative such as Think Up. Check out the article here!

Thank you Think Up!



Monday 5 December 2011

Photo Diary: Christmas in Manchester

It's been a long morning, and I barely slept last night, so I'm pretty exhausted at the moment. But anyway, going through my picture gallery on my phone, I thought why not do a short and sweet Photo Diary of Christmas in Manchester. November and December are always the coldest months of the year, and so it tends to be very gloomy here in MCR. But during the last two weeks of November, the Xmas Market opens and instantly the city is lit up with beautiful lights and gorgeous Christmas decorations! The award-winning market has got to be one of my favourite things about the city. I absolutely adore seeing everyone out enjoying their time and flocking towards the German market to get their hands on some delicious hot chocolate or some pancakes or waffles. Here are some snaps from my phone (excuse the not-so-great picture quality) from the last couple of weeks:

Anoud xo


Friday 2 December 2011

Do the Green Thing: Buy Nothing!

Here's a cute video that will surely put a smile on your face. It demonstrates a simple green idea in the simplest way possible:

Give it a try once: do it the green way, and buy nothing!

As they say, it's the thought that counts. :)

Anoud x
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