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Saturday, 29 October 2011

Green Alliance: Bringing It Home

Bringing it Home is a report launched in 2011 by Green Alliance that looks at how behavioural science can influence and improve the creation of green living policies. The main idea established throughout the report is that households are willing to ‘go green’ and make lifestyle changes when it is easy and normal. On the other hand, when the changes are expensive, complicated or unusual, only a few tend to make an effort. Theoretically speaking, that is almost always the case with anything in life. Yet, despite how simple the formula seems, the UK government’s policies are failing to drive real change: “An analysis of existing and proposed government policies from a behavioural perspective shows that existing policy is failing to drive sufficient change, and suggests that flagship coalition policies such as the Green Deal and smart meters will not be enough on their own to change this.”

Watch the video below, which is part of the Bringing it Home report, to see what policies the government 
should implement to successfully cause a positive change towards the creation of greener households in Britain. 

Anoud x


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